Source code for tasks.numerai_fetch_training_data

import os
import sys
from numerapi.numerapi import NumerAPI
import luigi

[docs]class FetchAndExtractData(luigi.Task): """ Fetches the most recent dataset and extracts the contents to the given path if not yet done (default path is ``./data``). :param: output_path: (relative) path where the data should be written to. Defaults to ``./data``. Default signature is ``FetchAndExtractData(output_path='./data')``. :: data ├── numerai_dataset_95 │   ├── │   ├── example_model.r │   ├── example_predictions.csv │   ├── numerai_tournament_data.csv │   └── numerai_training_data.csv └── """ output_path = luigi.Parameter(default='./data/')
[docs] def output(self): """ Manages the files to be written and determines their existence. This is determined by checking all the listed files below. If any of them does not exist, :py:func:`run` is evoked. :returns: A ``dict`` with the following keys: * ``zipfile``: original file as downloaded (````) * ``training_data.csv``: the training data (``numerai_training_data.csv``) * ``tournament_data.csv``: the tournament data (``numerai_tournament_data.csv``) * ``example_predictions.csv``: example predictions (``example_predictions.csv``) Note that ```` and ``example_model.r`` are not referenced, as these are to no use for us. """ self.apc = NumerAPI() current_round = self.apc.get_current_round() dataset_name = "numerai_dataset_{0}.zip".format(current_round) dataset_dir = "numerai_dataset_{0}".format(current_round) assert self.apc.download_current_dataset(dest_path=self.output_path, dest_filename=dataset_name, unzip=True) # see numerapi download_current_dataset dataset_path = os.path.join(self.output_path, dataset_dir) test_data_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'numerai_training_data.csv') tournament_data_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'numerai_tournament_data.csv') example_data_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, 'example_predictions.csv') out = { 'zipfile': luigi.LocalTarget(os.path.join(self.output_path, dataset_name)), 'training_data.csv': luigi.LocalTarget(test_data_path), 'tournament_data.csv': luigi.LocalTarget(tournament_data_path), 'example_predictions.csv': luigi.LocalTarget(example_data_path) } print(out)
return out
[docs] def run(self):
out = self.output()